In this weeks reading we were to read three different articles talking about info graphics. the first article was 10 Challenges Facing Information Design Today, the second was The Do’s and Don’ts of Infographic Design, and the third was Today In Horrible Infographics: 5 Keys toCreating Successful Infographics.
The first article was interesting it pointed out many problems that information design is dealing with today but at the same time as it was calling attention to these points, it wasn't giving any design strategy on how to fix the over all problem. the author names out the ten challenges that designers face (overproduction, misunderstanding, undervalue, fragmentation, scarcity, Amnesia, Misappropriation, commercialization, commodification, and de humanization). All of these he discusses issues but in no way tries to solve them. I feel like it was an ok read but it was only half written the author apposed questions in my head and left me with no answers.
The second article talks about the DOs and Dont's of info graphic design. The author talks about how design is an ever evolving industry that we need to stay on top of as designers; the only thing that stays consistant is the demand for good design. Although design is ever evolving there is one thing that keeps it on track and that is the dos and dont's of design, the sky is the limit as long as you play by the right rules. An info graphic is a data visualization so you need to show it not tell it, typography needs to play to the beat of your drum, it can make or break a design so it needs to be used in the correct way to send the right message. Organize the storyline make sure it makes sense and has a beginning a middle and an end( you can do this by taking wire frames and thinking outside the box. clear things up with color; the same way typography plays a role in the info graphic so does color. In the ending statement the author says these are just guidelines a way to create a successful info graphics, but it doesn't mean that by not following these rules that you cant create something that is just as effective. I enjoyed this read.
The third article is a lot like the first in which it point of bad things but doesn't combat it with anything good. The author makes fun of an info graphic and says why its bad without ways on how to make it better thus it tells you what not to do but it doesn't say why or how to fix it. This would be considered a horrible critic in any art class.
some articles on infographic material
cool you tube video
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